Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Moonshine Music Festival Unfortunately Has to Cancel This Years Event

We just got word that unfortunately Moonshine Music Festival won't be holding its event scheduled for this August. Here's an official statement from their Facebook page:

It is with heavy hearts that we must annouce the cancelation of Moonshine Music Festival 2013. We have been working tirelessly getting everything organized for August, but enough problems beyond our control have arisen that it has become clear that this year is not the year to pull off our first festival.

We want this festival to be something truly remarkable that everyone in attendance will remember for the rest of their lives. We don't want to half-ass it like so many other Festivals and leave you wondering where your money disappeared to.

This is not the end. We are going to have more parties, we are going to hold sporting events, and we may do a one-night party in August, but the multi-day Moonshine Music Festival as originally planned and announced will unfortunately not occur this year.

We cannot thank you enough for all your support, encouragement, and understanding. We are truly lucky to live in a state where there is such a fantastic community of musicians, athletes, and fans. Keep shinin'

Hopefully something is in the works for next year!